Our Core Values
Fail Forward and Often
Embrace the opportunities our poor choices provide.
We are only truly responsible for four things in our lives. We are able to respond (responsible) for what we think, what we feel, what we say, and what we do. We are not responsible for what other people do, just ourselves. The reality is that all of us fail to fulfill these four easy sounding things rather often. I believe how we respond to these failures will either empower us to become better versions of ourselves or stagnate us in the same old limiting ruts and patterns.
Pursue Learning
Consistently seek life improving insights.
I feel like the avenues for information flow wider and smoother than any other time of my life….and probably any other time in history. I believe there is a better version of each us…a better version of me. But, how do we empower our better selves to come to fruition? Well, I think it starts with learning. To be honest, I'd have to admit that I spent a good part of my adult life as a very mediocre learner - probably the better part of two decades from age 25 to 44 were spent in what I would describe as exhibiting a fixed mindset instead of a growth mindset. It's not like I didn't learn anything….but my growth rate was slow at best.
Be Transformed
Cross examine and renovate our belief systems.
Beliefs are the strongest, most powerful things that we own and manage. You see, our beliefs drive all of our actions and everything within our circle of responsibility - what we think, what we feel, what we say, and what we do. We will always (not a word I use often) live-out of our beliefs….they cannot be separated. Even when I do something I know is morally wrong in my mind, I will have a subtle justification in my beliefs about how it right in this moment. I believe this pattern of thinking is why so many evils are committed in this world while the perpetrators generally do "what was right in their own eyes" based on their skewed belief systems.
Embrace Humility
Seeing ourselves and others in the correct estimation.
Sometimes it can be easier to understand complex things by dissecting them into smaller parts. Whether it's a frog or a philosophy, it can bring clarity to focus on smaller parts. I've been taught to look at human worthiness and esteem by examining two separate values: intrinsic value and market value.
Build-up Others
Leverage our responsibilities to bless others.
My hope and aspiration is that more and more people will experience a life of love, connection, and joy. I believe this Core Value greatly furthers the probability of this being true! If we concentrate our efforts on Building-up Others, I believe we will love others better and more freely - and if we love better, I believe we will experience a life that thrives.
Be Healthy
Pursue growth in all areas of life
When most people hear this Core Value, there is a tendency to think about physical health. You know, exercise regularly and eat vegetables every day! Well, that sounds like good logic, but I'd like to take a look at some of the other areas of health beyond just physical health.
Live in authentic community
There is something alluring about independence…the whole notion of not needing anyone, like John Wayne riding off into the sunset after taking down all the bad guys in an entire town. I think a lot of people are drawn to this idea, and many people are afraid to ask for help when they have real need because this philosophy has infiltrated our thinking. Unfortunately, independence is an illusion and in many cases it is a lie that keeps us from living fulfilled.
Live Generously
Experience the thrill of creatively giving.
I like to ask people if they've ever had the opportunity to do something with great generosity for someone else. Usually with a bright face and emanating smile, they share a story of how they really impacted or surprised someone else through an act of generosity. As they conclude their story, I ask them how they felt after their generous act. Their words are inspirational to me! It is amazing to hear the words they use like: joyful, happy, delighted, euphoric, and significant. I like to ask if they could share a story when they felt the same level of joy when receiving a gift. Most people cannot. So, I don't believe it is a cliché to say that "it is better to give than receive." I believe it is a truth….that moments of pure joy and satisfaction come from Living Generously.
Kill It
Go beyond expectations
Memory is linked to times of strong emotions. I might not remember the time of day or even the date, but I specifically remember the day I qualified to run the Boston Marathon. I was in Dearborn Michigan to run a marathon with my brother and my good friend. I had run several marathons hoping for a qualifying time, but there were marathons when I wasn't even close, marathons where I succeeded only to learn that qualifying times had changed, and then the single race where I succeeded. I still have lucid memories of that day. Think of times in your past where you have clear memories. For example, think of your first kiss. My guess is that you remember details of that day because it is linked with strong emotions.
Choose Joy
Decide for yourself the life you want to live.
I have a friend who says "you'll have enough evidence every day to prove that it was either a great or a horrible day."
I believe a life of joy and fulfillment comes from what we choose to give our attention and how we choose to interpret the things happening in and around our us.