Pursue Learning
Consistently seek life improving insights.
I feel like the avenues for information flow wider and smoother than any other time of my life….and probably any other time in history. I believe there is a better version of each us…a better version of me. But, how do we empower our better selves to come to fruition? Well, I think it starts with learning. To be honest, I'd have to admit that I spent a good part of my adult life as a very mediocre learner - probably the better part of two decades from age 25 to 44 were spent in what I would describe as exhibiting a fixed mindset instead of a growth mindset. It's not like I didn't learn anything….but my growth rate was slow at best.
Now, I believe that life is too precious to live in a fixed mindset. Every moment when we ignore instruction, insight, and wisdom is a delay in experiencing a life of fulfillment, joy, and engagement. But, it is so easy to numb, relax, and shut off our brains….from binge watching Netflix, to over indulging in cheesecake or Cheetos. Yet, this form of disengagement is like surrendering to an evil enemy…it cripples and steals our freedom….and definitely prevents us from becoming our best versions of ourselves.
I invite you….will you join us in the land of the free? There are so many learning options available to us today…fantastic books, articles, videos, blogs, podcasts, and documentaries that can help provide the insights we really need for growth and improvement. Will you allow learning and growth to help uncover the better version of you? I believe this process is like removing dirt and rocks from a dinosaur skeleton buried in the ground….some of the work requires heavy lifting and other parts require tedious brush strokes. Either way, it takes intentional work and effort. It is a choice, a decision we must make each day: to seek life transforming insights or chase mind numbing comforts. A life of abundance hangs in the balance.
“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” -Billy Cox