Kill It
Go beyond expectations
Memory is linked to times of strong emotions. I might not remember the time of day or even the date, but I specifically remember the day I qualified to run the Boston Marathon. I was in Dearborn Michigan to run a marathon with my brother and my good friend. I had run several marathons hoping for a qualifying time, but there were marathons when I wasn't even close, marathons where I succeeded only to learn that qualifying times had changed, and then the single race where I succeeded. I still have lucid memories of that day. Think of times in your past where you have clear memories. For example, think of your first kiss. My guess is that you remember details of that day because it is linked with strong emotions.
As consumers, we have certain expectations for the things we buy. In my mind, I have an expectation if I go to Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse and a totally different expectation if I go to McDonalds. If either vendor falls beneath my expectations or above my expectations, it will probably create a memory that stays with me.
As family members, employees, and leaders, people have expectations for what it is like to experience life with you. If you want to create lasting and fond memories with others, go beyond expectations - go and Kill It! If you mother expects a card for Mother's Day, make her a card and give her flowers. If your boss expects you to finish your reports by Friday, finish them by Thursday. If your wife expects you to wash the dishes, clean them and sweep the floor. The memories we plant in others and their capacity to share the goodwill with others will amplify your work.
I love coaching! My goal in coaching is to exceed my customers' expectations and get them firmly moving on a journey towards freedom, wholeness, and unity. Regardless of the expectation, my goal is to go beyond that mark in order to help my clients overcome their fears and live to the fullness of their potential. We battle against complacency, comfort, pride, and division so that my clients grow and become the winners and heroes that dramatically improve the lives of others.