Live Generously
Experience the thrill of creatively giving.
I like to ask people if they've ever had the opportunity to do something with great generosity for someone else. Usually with a bright face and emanating smile, they share a story of how they really impacted or surprised someone else through an act of generosity. As they conclude their story, I ask them how they felt after their generous act. Their words are inspirational to me! It is amazing to hear the words they use like: joyful, happy, delighted, euphoric, and significant. I like to ask if they could share a story when they felt the same level of joy when receiving a gift. Most people cannot. So, I don't believe it is a cliché to say that "it is better to give than receive." I believe it is a truth….that moments of pure joy and satisfaction come from Living Generously.
Living Generously is far more than sharing financial health. I believe some of the best acts of generosity have almost nothing to do with money. We can notice areas where we have strength and then leverage those areas to share with others. For instance, you can share your intellectual health with others to help them succeed, you can share your relational health to connect people together, you can share your spiritual health to help people live a life of greater love and purpose. Giving financially is great, and there are many healthy attributes from giving that way. However, it is important to recognize many people do not have capacity to give financially, but have other areas where they can give and experience the joy of giving.
Here's another way to look at it. I am a big fan of Gary Chapman's book, "The Five Love Languages." It is a simple but powerful book that empowers people to express love to others more poignantly. The five languages are: words of affirmation, giving gifts, quality time, acts of service, and physical touch. There are several ways to Live Generously by expressing love to others. There is almost no expense to sitting down and writing an old-fashioned letter to someone who has impacted your life. There are a lot of ways to spend quality time with others with little to no expense. Still, these types of actions are ways to Live Generously. So, I share this to inspire some creativity and to break the narrow view that generosity has to do with giving money.
My experience is that times of great elation and overflowing joy flow from times when people intentionally and creatively "Live Generously". So, I believe when this value is fully embraced that people will live a greater life of meaning and joy. I want that for my clients and myself.