Be Transformed
Cross examine and renovate our belief systems.
Beliefs are the strongest, most powerful things that we own and manage. You see, our beliefs drive all of our actions and everything within our circle of responsibility - what we think, what we feel, what we say, and what we do. We will always (not a word I use often) live-out of our beliefs….they cannot be separated. Even when I do something I know is morally wrong in my mind, I will have a subtle justification in my beliefs about how it right in this moment. I believe this pattern of thinking is why so many evils are committed in this world while the perpetrators generally do "what was right in their own eyes" based on their skewed belief systems.
So, in order to fully change the way we live, in order to live a life of greater joy and connection, we have to explore and understand our personal beliefs. We have thousands and thousands of beliefs, and many of them hang-out in the napping sections of our brains - our subconscious. I believe as we shine light on the napping beliefs, we can wake them up and really test whether they are true beliefs or limiting beliefs.
I believe engaging in a life with sustainable change will empower us to a life of fulfillment. Yet, this is not about "trying harder" and being "more motivated". It is about thinking differently and understanding our driving belief systems. I believe our best selves are revealed as we embrace a life where we allow our beliefs to be transformed, refined, and renewed. There is a verse in the bible that invites us to "be transformed by the renewing of the mind", and I want that for myself and everyone I love so that we can live-out and experience an abundant life of purpose.
This Core Value definitely has a strong relationship with Pursue Learning. The distinction I like to make is Pursue Learning is about being willing to take-in new information with an open heart and mind, while Be Transformed is about leveraging that inflow to reconstruct our beliefs systems - and, thus, live free and joyful lives.